As I look back at 2018, I am extremely proud of our successes. Financially, we turned a significant 2017 operations deficit into a respectable positive net income for the year. To accomplish this, it has taken several years of making calculated decisions that would not impact our Mission and still reduce our losses. Congratulations to all of our Associates for a job well done.
Our Industry Program was very healthy during the year. We added fifteen new products to the Federal Procurement List along with growing our document destruction business. New products and revenue translate to more employment hours. Congratulations to the Shredding Team for reaching the one-million pounds of shredded documents goal. Believe me, that is a lot of paper.
On the services side, we continued to work with our clients who are visually impaired to do everything possible to keep them living independently in their own homes. We grew our technology offerings for devices like Iris Vision and eSight, distributed refurbished iPhones, provided necessary training and introduced new technologies throughout the year.
As always, our Prevention Program continued to screen children and adults for symptoms that may indicate vision problems. That program, along with our Functional Vision Clinic and Remedial Eye Care program remained very active serving children and adults. I would encourage you to read our entire report to learn in more detail the other 2018 highlights.
For me, 2018 was the year I announced my retirement effective June 30, 2019. Our Board of Directors moved forward with a National search. In mid-February, we announced that Brian Patchett from Easter Seals of Nevada has accepted the President’s position and will officially take leadership of North Central Services, Inc. on July 1, 2019.
In closing, I am honored and humbled to have served North Central Sight Services, Inc. for my entire career. Overall, it has been an amazing ride. I know that upon my departure, our Agency has a very solid financial and program foundation. I couldn’t have done it without the outstanding support from our Board of Directors, all of our NCSS Associates and our community. I have indeed been blessed.
Now, as I move on to my next stage in life, I feel very positive about our direction and am confident that our current staff and Associates with Brian’s direction will continue to keep our Mission first and foremost in everything we do. Once again, thank you for giving me the opportunity that began on September 12, 1974 to be a part of this fine organization.
Robert B. Garrett
President and Chief Executive Officer
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